Personal Guide to Health


Anti-Aging with Foods, Supplements & More

Personal Guide to Health, the latest book from Dr. Pierre Cloutier MD, reveals the simple, evidence-based steps to make natural foods and supplements help reduce your signs of aging, balance your mood and treat the real cause of your suffering.

Over 300 Pages

25+ Years of Research

50+ Chapters


“He explains the reasons why we age faster than before, why we lose strength, flexibility and drive as we get older... I have been waiting a long time for this book and am VERY happy I bought it.”

- Pascal C.

Signs of Premature Aging

Featuring 25 years of medical research and guidance from a clinical MD and natural anti-aging expert, Personal Guide to Health challenges the world’s most common age-related issues:

  • Daily Fatigue
  • Diabetes
  • Low immunity
  • Memory Loss
  • Slow Metabolism
  • Depression
  • Low Libido
  • Vision problems
  • Alzheimer's
  • Restless Legs
  • Hearing Loss
  • Migraines
  • Thyroid issues
  • Brain Fog
  • Hypertension
  • Inflammation
  • Cancers
  • Weak Bones

Medications can ignore the cause.

Women, more than men, are likely to be sold into potentially inappropriate prescriptions. And while medications can help manage symptoms, many don't eliminate the real cause of your suffering.

Gain control of your body.

With 300+ pages of guidance on natural anti-aging and the inner workings of the human body, Personal Guide to Health is designed to help you restore lost youthfulness and gain new control over your mood, body and lifestyle.

Gain control of your body.

With 300+ pages of guidance on natural anti-aging and the inner workings of the human body, Personal Guide to Health is designed to help you restore lost youthfulness and gain new control over your mood, body and lifestyle.

The Best Anti-Aging Supplements, in One Book.

Personal Guide to Health reveals thousands of evidence-based insights on anti-aging diets, cooking methods, vitamins, minerals and other supplements to help reverse the most common signs of aging.

1. Optimize Your Mood, Memory & Energy Levels

Give your brain stronger protection against high levels of neurotransmitters linked to Alzheimer's, depression and daily fatigue.

2. Overcome Weak Bones, Joint Pain & Inflammation

Increase your bone density, joint health and calcium absorption to stop osteoporosis, arthritis and joint inflammation from limiting your life.

3. Nourish Your Skin & Heal Cell Damage

From droopy skin to sunken eyes, learn how natural sleep inducers and thyroid supporting elements like iodine can help reverse your hormone deficiencies and renew an aged complexion.

4. Burn More Fat, Counter Diabetes & Eliminate Bad Cravings

Discover the powerhouse benefits of low-heat cooking, the truth about fats, sugars, meats, carbs, controlling your metabolism, insulin levels, blood pressure and so much more.

5. Reduce Your Risk of Cancer & Other Diseases

Shield your heart, skin, kidneys and the rest of your body from common culprits related to cancers and common age-related diseases.

Eat for your body type.

Simple dietary changes can increase lifespan in older adults by up to seven years. But not all diets work for everyone. In Personal Guide to Health, you'll learn which foods are best for your body type.

Higher happiness levels.

Overcome daily fatigue, stress and the effects of depression with the hormone-balancing power of natural supplements.

Higher happiness levels.

Find the real cause of your daily fatigue and counter the damaging effects of stress with the hormone-balancing power of natural supplements.

Stronger immunity.

Gain the tools to nurture stronger anti-microbacterial activity, disrupt bacterial cells and keep your family safe from higher risks of life-controlling diseases.

Get deep, nourishing sleep.

Tap into your pineal gland to produce neuropeptides and sleep-inducing hormones that nurture skin cells, mitochondria health and counter DNA damage, right when you need them.

Get deep, nourishing sleep.

Tap into your pineal gland to produce neuropeptides and sleep-inducing hormones that help nurture skin cells, mitochondria health and counter DNA damage, right when you need them.


  • Foods
  • Cooking methods
  • Fats
  • Proteins
  • Carbs
  • Cholesterol
  • Calcium
  • Insulin
  • Omega-3
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin B-12
  • Vitamin D
  • Estrogen
  • Testosterone
  • Progesterone
  • Melatonin
  • Magnesium
  • Aldosterone
  • Growth Hormone
  • Mitochondria
  • Cortisone
  • DHEA
  • Iron
  • Lithium
  • Thyroid
  • Various Cancers
  • + much more

Save more money.

71% of Americans feel they pay too much for healthcare, averaging more on yearly prescriptions than anyone else in the world at $1200 per person.

And that cost skyrockets as we get older. But many expensive medical bills can be avoided with simple, evidence-based anti-aging lifestyle, made easy for less than $40 with Personal Guide to Health.

Sneak Peek


Vitamin D: A Steroid Hormone

If all the people in America had the right amount of vitamin D (25 OH D, optimal results measured in a blood test are about 60 ng/ml, or 150 nmol/l), healthcase costs would be slashed by 30%. In studies, vitamin D supplements reduced breast cancer by 50% to 70%, prostate cancer by 50% and colon cancer by 50%.

Vitamin D is a hormone because it is made inside our body where it regulates 2,000 genes. It does a lot more than we think. It is a steroid hormone because it is made from cholesterol. All steroid hormones in our body are made from cholesterol. We can look at the derivation of the word itself: chole-sterol. Sterol, meaning steroid.

In Canada, a study on seasonal variations of vitamin D and cholesterol found that during the winter, when vitamin D levels are lowest, cholesterol levels simutaneously peak at their highest. It's interesting to see the how the body reacts to low steroid hormone levels (vitamin D) by increasing the level of building blocks (cholesterol), and elevating its levels in...

High Blood Pressure & Hypertension

Five to ten percent of hypertension patients have a secondary cause, such as chronic renal disease, hypothyroidism, or hyperthyroidism. For the other 90%, the cause is what you EAT that keeps insulin high, leading to inflammation in your blood vessels. It can be measured by a blood test called CRP (C-Reactive Protein). Normal levels are under 3, the ideal under 1. The inflammation restrains the glycocalyx and endothelium (the thin cell layers inside your blood vessels) from making enough nitric oxide and not enough nitric oxide can lead to hypertension. If we understand how blood pressure is maintained normally, we will understand why it becomes too high.

Normal blood pressure is 120/80. This means 120 at the peak when the heart contracts and 80 at the lowest just before the heart contracts again.

Some patients have what we call "white-coat hypertension." This means they have high readings only when someone measures their blood pressure. When an automatic machine takes the blood pressure over 24 hours, called NAPA, or automatically every 5 minutes for 6 times, called BT TRUE, their readings are normal. This is because of anxiety when having their bood pressure taken by a medical professional.

Blood pressure varies all the time, and this is for good reason. It's the pressure that makes...

Women & Breast Cancer

There are a lot of studies on breast cancer prevention, but those studies are not revealed to the public. For prevention, the public is told to stay thin and avoid alcohol. But there is a lot more that is known about prevention and treatment.

Some factors that will help reduce the incidence of breast cancer are:

Vitamin D3 in dosage of 2000-5000 international units per day reduced breast cancer occurence by 50%, and in one study up to 83%.

Selenium and Zinc deficiency increases breast cancer risks. So, supplements of selenium (100 mcg/day) and zinc (20mg/day), will reduce breast cancer risk for those who are deficient.

DHEA (DehydroEpiAndrosterone), and adrenal hormone, is known to protect women from having breast cancer and reduce metastasis (spreading). DHEA can be measured in your blood, and every woman, if low, can have her DHEA optimized with supplements...


“This book addresses, both for professionals and interested people, how to regain and maintain health, no matter your age.”

- Dr. Brigitte Monrose

Dr. Pierre Cloutier, MD

is among the leading voices in Functional Medicine.

With over 45 years of hands-on experience as a clinical physician, from private practice to public emergency centers, Dr. Cloutier has dedicated nearly half a century to finding and treating the real causes of disease.

His work has helped thousands of struggling patients of all ages, genders and backgrounds overcome illness, renew their health and lead happier lives.

Over 300 Pages

25+ Years of Research

50+ Chapters


Gain New Control Over Your Mood & Body

Get the evidence-based insights you need to create an anti-aging diet and supplements plan to balance your hormones, reduce your signs of aging and treat the real cause of your suffering.